Hard-Cooked Egg Easter Chickens
These cute and delicious chicks won’t ruffle anyone’s feathers. Add something adorable to your Easter table with these Hard-Cooked Egg Easter Chickens.

Hard-Cooked Egg Easter Chickens
- Cut top off egg with notched/jagged edges.
- Remove yolk for deviled egg filling.
- Restuff with filling.
- Make chicken feet by notching thin slices of carrot.
- Make tail feathers with small sprigs of parsley and simply stick stem ends into back of chicken.
- Use carrot trimmings for beak.
- Cut ripe olives into slivers for wings.
- Cut a thin slice from large end of egg to form a flat base so chicken can stand upright.
- Attach feet and wings with wooden picks.
- Insert small carrot beaks in olive heads and attach to chickens with wooden picks.
Remove shells from hard-cooked Hickman’s Eggs. Chill thoroughly.
- Hickman's Eggs
- Parsley
- Carrot
- Olives
- Toothpicks