Hickman's Women in LeadHERship

Upcoming LeadHERship events
January 2024 Pickle ball lessons/practices – Wigwam courts, date TBA
2.24.2024: Litchfield Park 10k, 5K, 1 mile Run/Walk
3.24-3.29.2024 Easter Week (date TBA): Breakfast For Dinner – New Life Center
April Pickleball Challenge
Proceeds benefit New Life Center
May 12, or 19th, 2024:Womens LeadHERship Spring into Summer Program
Pink Door Tea House
November 3rd, 2024: Women’s LeadHERship Program
Site: TBA

LeadHERship Instagram Page
A brag board is a centralized place for you to keep track of all the accomplishments you make. This is the place to document wins, big projects, colleague endorsements, published pieces, and anything else that proves what a stellar team member you are. Please share in the comments or send a private message so we can post about what a winner you are! We will feature the best of the best at next year’s get together, May 2024.