Local and family run, it’s all about quality, freshness and community at Hickman’s Family Farms. So, whether you like to whip us until we get fluffy or just wanna get baked, trust that our eggs will always be deliciously fresh.

Jared Porter
Executive Chef: La Grande Orange Grocery & Pizzeria
In 2002, when La Grande Orange opened on the corner of 40st & Campbell in the upscale neighborhood of Arcadia in central Phoenix, Jared Porter was one of the original chefs. “When La Grande Orange first opened in Arcadia, the area was nowhere near where it is now, houses were older and overlooked and by us moving here, we helped establish a place for community and the area has thrived.” Fun Fact: Other restaurants in the LGO Family include Chelsea’s Kitchen, Buck & Rider, Ingo’s Tasty Diner and the Misfit
Favorite Egg Dish: Soft boiled! Jared gets inventive with breakfast, “I will do a soft boiled egg in jasmine rice for breakfast, it’s the right kind of food to keep me on my feet and power through the day!”